Thursday, 24 July 2014

Choosing the scent for you

Someone asked me recently how I know what scent suits me and how I picked my signature scent I didn't have a simple answer mostly because I don't think I have a signature scent as I consider myself scent adventurous, if there is any such thing, and I usually do the same ting anyone would do in deciding whether a scent suits me or not; I smell it on my skin, see if I like it then I wear it  for a few days in a row to test its longevity and then I consider the number of complements I get from Family, friends and strangers.

I can imagine there are people out there who really want to have that double entrance effect. When they enter a room, you notice them and then their perfumes. For people like that, I believe they would enjoy perfumes with louder scent while someone who likes everything tones down would probably prefer skin scents. What I'm saying is sometimes your personality influences your choice f scents. Unless you're on of those people who are contrary. Like a quite girl with an electric bag, loud make-up and face punching scent.

My advise for choosing a perfume however would be;

1. Think about the kind of scents you like. Is it flowery, woody, earthy, spicy, green, fruity, balsamic, aromatic, boozy, etc. All that depends on you and how you envision to smell.

2. When shopping for perfumes, ask for perfumes in the category determined above. for instance if you like flowery perfume and not just any flower you love the smell of jasmine or my personal favorite,  lily of the valley, ask for perfume with jasmine heart notes.

3. collect as many sample of perfumes in the category 1 and then 2 above and try each on on for at least 3 days each

4. I am guessing by the end of the second week, you would have decided which one of the many samples made you smile the most, lasted longer, got you more compliments and suits your image (loud or toned down)  and any other character you would like your signature scent to have

6. For some people, following fashion trends also  works.

This is my one penny advise for choosing  perfumes that suit you or your signature scent.

1 comment:

  1. I love the smell of vanilla and cake or bread being baked. I guess I would love to smell like vanilla and maybe fruity sometimes.
